“Bunnies in Wonderland,” is a story by Karen Faris that was inspired by Katherine Weston's clay sculptures. Faris will read her story at this season's final Words on the Verge event on Fri., June 16 from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Karen Faris is a poet and novelist and the author of Grumbles the Novel. Her work has appeared in aaduna, Empty Sink Publishing, rewritingmarysue.com, and she is a contributor to the book-design journal Spine.
A stint on the Irondequoit Conservation Board informs much of her work and has led her to sneak in environmental education wherever she can. She is a firm believer that education will save the day.
She is currently shopping her climate change saga Winds of Change, and women’s fiction novel, Moira while putting the finishing touches on a time travel novel. She is also at work on a book of poetry.
This reading is our last event of the 2016-2017 Words on the Verge season.
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